Saturday, March 21, 2015

Rush Hour...2!

"Get on with force, don't stop til you get enough." -M. Jackson.

These wise words are sung in 2001s Rush Hour 2. The- oh yeah. Hey fellow movie watchers! It's been a long time since I reviewed a movie. There are going to be a few changes to this blog too. First of all, I'll be reviewing movies of all genres now. Now, that doesn't mean I'll stop doing kung fu flicks, just maybe less. Secondly, this blog shall henceforth be renamed The Shaolin Fist of Movie Reviews! And third, I'll be asking my loyal follower(s)? suggestions of movies that they'd like to see reviewed. So, leave a message in the comments! On to the review!

Today, I'll be reviewing the second movie in the Rush Hour movies. Why start with the second, you ask? Why not. Anyways, to the movie! Rush Hour 2 is the sequel to the first where we follow Inspector Lee and Officer Carter in their hijinks in Hong Kong. Lee and Carter are having fun, well, just roaming around Hong Kong doing Lee's police work. The U.S. Embassy in HK is attacked and Lee is called to the case. Carter, who's on vacation, reluctantly joins Lee in the case and they have to stop the Chinese Triad from importing....something. They join forces with a double agent, Isabella Molina to stop the Triad's evil scheme. Fists and feet of fury fly through out the flick! And there's Las Vegas too, so that's cool.
Not pictured: Las Vegas.
So that's the gist of it. Let's get on to the good and the bad parts of the movie.
The Good:
Personally, I like this movie a tad bit more than the first one. There's more action, jokes and more scenery. Chris Tucker does a good job reprising his role as James Carter, as well does Jackie Chan as Lee. The story's not too bad either, though this being a comedy, you can't take it too seriously. The action scenes are pretty well done and you feel pumped when Carter and Lee do their super high five thingy. Isabella's a nice touch to the story as well. She's not a useless female character that the males have to keep saving. She has her useful moments and keeps the boys alive when it's needed.

The Bad:
The bad guys. Bleah. Seriously, does every action movie bad guy have to be so cliche? "I want more money." "I want to sell drugs." "I want to steal diamonds and sell drugs." My goodness, I just want a bad guy in a kung fu movie I can get behind when their motives are more realistic. Or better written. Not to say that Ricky Tan is badly written, it's just that he's so cliche. And the double agent thing. You know, can we trust the agent or are they actually a bad guy too? Every time it's the same. The agent is protecting the others and trying not to blow their cover at the same time. And there's Carter. While Chris Tucker is slightly funny, Carter is a bit too sex maniac at times. It gets old when he's hitting on everything in sight, including walls. Then there's the slightly racist jokes. Sure, it's funny maybe once or twice, but telling the same joke over and over loses it's panache. 

Over all:
Rush Hour 2 is a fun movie to watch when there's nothing better to watch. It's still somewhat amusing after all these years. (Man, I can't believe this movie's 14 years old.) Chan and Tucker perform well, and I daresay that this is one of the few sequels better than the first movie. So, if you're in a mood for kung fu and comedy, pop in Rush Hour 2. You might enjoy it.

3.5 Micheal Jackson songs out of 5.

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