Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Super Cop: The Cop that Can't be Stopped!

Howdy all! I know it's been awhile since my last post, but I've finally had some free time to sit down and watch a movie for you all! Today, I'll be reviewing Super Cop. If there's one thing Jackie Chan likes doing, it's doing cop movies with action. Let's get to the review!

Super Cop!
This is the third Police Story movie, but I guess Jackie Chan wanted even more ridiculous plots and stories going on in this movie. It's good, and the action's intense as usual, but unfortunately, this movie does have its flaws.

The Plot:
Kevin Chan or Ka-Kui (in the Cantonese version) is volunteered to join the Interpol in stopping a crime boss/ drug lord. He's sent undercover to gain the trust of Panther, said crime boss, and stop whatever Panther and his older brother are planning. His partner, Jessica Yang (played by Michelle Yeoh) joins Kevin and helps him on his mission. However, their cover is blown and the game plan has changed. Will Chan and Yang make it out alive, or will they fail? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!!! Kidding.
Since there are two martial artists....Michelle Yeoh.

The Good:
 The action. Obviously. Jackie Chan movies always impress with the stunts and action sequences. Even Michelle Yeoh delivers quite a punch with her screen time. And, since it's a Police Story movie, there are parts that are quite humorous. The scene above for example, when Jessica tosses the chop sticks, then Kevin does the same except, he yells, "Die!" while pointlessly throwing the chop sticks. The story's not too bad, it's got some good dialogue and some parts of said story give you an adrenaline rush. The end action scene is pretty wicked awesome too. It involves a train, a helicopter and a motorcycle. You'll have to see the movie for more details though.  Oh, and Jessica Yang. She's strong, useful and very independent. Heck, most of her ideas actually help out the mission more than Kevin's do. Jessica Yang is awesome and props to Michelle Yeoh.

The Bad:
 Now, this isn't for all of the movie, but Kevin (who has a girlfriend as stated in this movie and the last two Police Stories) is a bit of a chauvinistic jerk. When Kevin first meets Jessica, he starts hitting on her! What the hell? Dude, you have a girlfriend! I know Jessica is pretty, but sheesh. Thankfully, Jessica doesn't fall for this and treats him like a kid. The drug plot (again). I swear, every time I watch a 90's movie with Jackie Chan in it, there's always drugs involved or some mustache twirling villain with a stereotypical evil occupation. Don't get me wrong, but come up with some new material man! Kevin's girlfriend. Oh, look, May is back and she's being silly again! I've already said my thoughts on May in Police Story, and I'll say them again. May is immature, stupid and surprise, surprise, ruining whatever job Kevin is on. Spoiler: She does something to ruin this job.

With that being said, Supercop is a decent film. Sure, there are flaws, but the movie makes up for that with action and cool stunts. Jackie Chan and Michelle Yeoh work off of each other really well, and it's always nice to see a girl who can kick ass and take names. I'd recommend this movie to anyone who likes the Police Story movies and Jackie Chan. Fun for the whole family!

4 flying chopsticks out of 5. 

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