Thursday, March 26, 2015

X Men: Days of Future Past

Time travel. The mere mention of spiraling through time and space sends shivers down sci fi lovers and possibly some scientists necks. It's a fairly common theme, I mean look at all the different media that involves time traveling.  The Time Machine, Terminator, Terminator 2, Doctor Who...the list goes on. Well, comic books also involve traveling through time, so Hollywood took one of said comic books and made it into a movie. I'm talking about X Men: Days of Future Past. Now, this particular comic book did come out in the 80s, and there were a few things different from the movie in the comics. However, the plot somewhat remains the same: Giant mutant killing robots are taking over the world and a mutant must go back in time to stop these killing machines before humans and mutants are no more. So turn on your lava lamps and get in your Cadillac, we're going into the...70s!

As mentioned before, Days of Future Past is based off a series of X Men comics in the 80s, but with a few things switched around. First of all, Kitty Pryde (the girl who can run through solid objects) is sent back into the past. In the movie, Wolverine (played by Hugh Jackman) is the lucky guinea pig. The story is this: Sentinels, mutant killing robots, enslave anyone who is either a mutant, human helping mutants, or a potential genetic candidate to have a mutant offspring. Thankfully, John Connor- I mean, the X Men, start up a resistance to put an end to this. Problem is, the Sentinels have a cheat code; they can use mutant powers to fight mutants. This puts the X Men at a disadvantage, obviously. However, Kitty (played by Ellen Page) has a new, unexplained power, and can send people's consciousnesses back through time. Kitty uses said unexplained power and warns Professor X and some other X Men about the Sentinels, so they can come up with a plan. The plan is this: Send someone back through time and stop Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) from speeding up the Sentinel Program and possibly murdering a scientist, Bolivar Trask. Wolverine is the best candidate and he is sent back into the 70s.

Wolverine must get Prof. X and Magneto to work with each other so they may convince Mystique that killing is kind of a bad thing to do. It won't be easy though, Prof. X has lost his powers and Magneto is well...locked up. Wolverine must convince the former to save the latter and also must give Prof. X his confidence back. There's some neat little cameos and a really cool scene or two, but the movie focuses on Magneto and Prof. X. Wolverine plays a secondary character, but when he's in the spotlight, he does a decent job. Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique does well too, but there a a few minor things that could have been left out. Micheal Fassbender and James McAvoy do show some good chemistry and I daresay they do as well as Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen together. Hugh Jackman -is- pretty much Wolverine at this point, though he didn't say "Bub." as much. The story's well writtten, however, it would have been interesting if they had followed the comics more closely. We need more well written heroines and an X Men movie with Kitty as the lead could have been different. Hollywood came up with some lame excuses as to why they couldn't have a female lead so, there's that. Then there's Quicksilver. He had the coolest scene in the movie, and he's only in it for 10 minutes. Seriously? And I have no idea how they're going to explain how Quicksilver's in his 20's and not as old as the hills in the new Avengers movie. Anyways, on to the good and bad.
Yeah, I don't trust him either, Blink.

 The Good:
Overall, Days of Future Past is a good movie. The special effects are visually stunning, and the casting was well done. The story is interesting and at times well paced. And some of the mutants, guys. Personally, Blink is my new favorite X Man (X Men?) Why? Freaking portals. There are the classics too, Colossus...that's about it. The casting for the most part is well done. Everyone does a decent job and there are some convincing moments. For example, Prof. X and Magneto have an argument about loss and Magneto nearly crushes the plane they're in from anger and how you should fight instead of giving up. That was really well done. Another is when Wolverine is trying to boost Prof. X's confidence as Prof. X's powers come back. James McAvoy does a well done performance there. The old school Sentinels are pretty badass.  And Quicksilver. He stole the show.

The Bad:
Kitty's new powers. Where did they come from? How does running through solid objects give you mental powers? They never explain this is in the movie. I would have been okay with it if they'd come up with something. But no, we're just stuck with, Kitty can send people back through time, deal with it. Then there's the mutants. Man, they got screwed in this movie. Their powers are so watered down it's pathetic. We have Warhawk, a native American, who's only power is to sense where things are. That's like, seriously racist. Oh, he's good with knives, but that's not a mutant power. In the comics, the dude's 250 pounds of muscle and makes Captain America look like a wimp. Then there's Storm, the woman who's considered a Goddess in the comics, become a useless "I can shoot lightning like Thor." She dies first, (surprise, surprise). Quicksilver seriously needed more screen time. In fact, the whole plot could have been solved faster,  (possibly less messier too) if he had stayed longer. And the mutants from First Class? Screw 'em they're dead. Not a one alive, except Havok. Whoop de doo, he gets 2 minutes and is never heard of again. And Marvel's favorite thing to do in movies the bad guy who was obviously evil in the first movie, but this time he's changed, only to find out he's still bad. Marvel, I'm obviously to keep giving you my money, but stop this. I already know the bad guy is still bad. Loki is still bad, Magneto is still bad, The Red Skull is still bad, stop! You can't keep doing this and acting like it's a new thing.

X Men: Days of Future Past is a good sequel to X Men: First Class. And it's indefinitely better than that train wreck that was X Men 3: Movie that Shall never be Mentioned. And yeah, they hint at it like it's still there, but thankfully the movie erased 50 years of stupid history so it never happened. Anyways, decent movie. I'll keep watching it for the time being. If you're an X Men fan, this is a good film to watch.

3.75 lava lamps out of 5. 

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