Monday, November 9, 2015

Nerd Rant! The Stormtroopers of Star Wars!

Hey all! It's November and that's one month til the New Star Wars movie! And holy crap, it looks awesome. So, in the spirit of Star Wars, I'm going to try out something new. This is a nerd rant, where I pick a topic of film, comic, TV show, or whatever you want. Depending on how popular this gets, of course. So, lets kick off the first topic: the Stormtroopers in the Star Wars films. A big debate is why superior soldiers can't hit the broadside of a barn sometimes. Something wrong in the clone genetic code? Or did they know Luke and the gang were the heroes the whole time and wanted them to win? Let's find out.

AKA Cannon fodder.

A Brief History 
 A long time ago, the Galactic Republic was at war with the Trade Federation. However, the Trade Federation had an advantage. They had factories that could build millions of robot soldiers and could send out to do whatever they pleased. The answer to this was clone the perfect solider, Solid Sn- I mean, Jango Fett. When these clones were deemed operational, the Republic used them to fight in the Clone Wars and take down the Trade Federation. After the Clone Wars, Senator Palpatine decided to use these clones for a more sinister purpose. He would use them as foot soldiers, pilots, commanding officers, you name it. They became the face of the Empire when Palpatine rose to power. 
The many faces of the Empire.
So, the question is, why are these so called super soldiers such lousy shots? Could there be a defect in the cloning process? Or did they know deep down that the Empire was doomed? No, they were just recruits. 

Clones? We don't need clones
Now, naturally, when the Empire rose to power, not everyone was on board. Naturally, there was the Rebellion who took a stand against the Emperor and his faceless army. When you watch the Star Wars films, you only see a small fraction of what's going on during this civil war. Luke, Han and Leia do have huge roles, but there are other rebel bases and space fights going on too. Heck, I'm sure there were other systems and planets fighting against the Empire that weren't involved with the Rebellion. See that picture above? At best we see five types of troopers at once. There are some that we don't see at all. Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself here. My point is, during all this fighting, clones (no matter how good they are) are dying off by rapid numbers. So, how do you keep your numbers up and impose a threat? Easy, you recruit. Whether it's by force or voluntary, you gotta keep fear up in the galaxy. Now, I hear you all saying, "But they could make more clones!" True, but during a massive galactic war, I'm willing to bet making clones takes time. And the Empire wants to make time for one thing; The Death Star. If you focus on one thing, other things tend to become less productive.  Even the trailers for the new Star Wars movie shows a black guy as a Stormtrooper, and the clones were predominantly white. 
Search Your Feelings
So, if the troopers weren't clones, but recruits it would explain a lot. Even during a mass recruitment, not everybody's going to be a expert sharpshooter on day one. That takes time and training. And yet again, I'm willing to bet that the Empire only cares about one thing: Fear. The more you fear something, the less you're going to try and take it face on. But wait! There's more proof. In a deleted scene for a New Hope, Luke runs into his friend, Biggs. Biggs is originally being recruited to be an Imperial fighter pilot, but he's planning to defect to the Rebellion. Bigg's isn't a clone either. If you want even more proof, and which a huge point most people forget while doing this debate, is Luke. Yes, when Luke and Han go to rescue Princess Leia, Luke makes a comment. "I can't see a thing out of this helmet", Luke comments before saving the Princess. So, if you can't see well, chances you can't shoot well either. Now, sure, if you're a super solider and are used to those conditions, yes, you can be accurate. But, if you're a recruit and you aren't conditioned well enough, and wearing a helmet that supposedly effects your vision, chances are, you're going to miss. A lot. 

So, while there were probably clones still fighting against the Rebellion, the ones our heroes encountered were slim at best. And that's why I think that most of the Stormtroopers were just every day guys participating or forced into something they weren't trained well for. I could be wrong, but maybe the new movie will explain more of it. 
Want more of this? Or was this pointless and should I never do this again? Let me know!

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