Monday, November 16, 2015

Back to the Future Part 3

So, when October 15, 2015 came along, the world watched Back to the Future Part 2 to compare what came true and what didn't. I went ahead one day to see if we got hoverboards, but alas, we neanderthals still rely on wheels. Now, what most people might not know is that BTTF2 and part 3 were filmed together, just that part three came out after (obviously). Today, I'll be reviewing Back to the Future Part 3.

Yeah, they may have gone too far with this one.
The Plot:
So, Marty McFly heads back to 1955 to stop Biff from becoming an evil Donald Trump and ends setting things right in 1985. However, the time machine is struck by lighting and Doc Brown is sent back in 1885. Marty, now stuck in 1955 has to get help from none other than Doc himself. Originally planning to head to 1985, Marty discovers that 1885 Doc gets killed and decides to save him from his demise. The man who kills Doc is none other than Biff- I mean, Mad Dog Tannen (Biff's past relative). Marty heads to 1885 with the time machine and instantly runs into trouble, however, Doc saves him. Doc is angry at Marty, but once Marty explains his purpose, the two decide the best course of action is for both of them to head back to 1985. The problem is, the time machine is broken and unable to drive. Doc devises a plan that can send them back, but runs into Clara, a school teacher who nearly fell to her death. Doc and Clara fall in love at first sight, causing Doc to become torn between staying or going. Marty convinces Doc to leave, telling him what unknown changes to the future might bring and ruin history. As for Mad Dog, he still plans to kill Doc or Marty, who angered Mad Dog as well, meaning they have a deadline to meet. After resolving that conflict with manure, Doc and Marty hatch their plan to go back to the future. Using a train to push the time machine up to 88 (sure, why not?) Clara ruins everything, only sending Marty back to 1985. Doc eventually shows up in a time machine train (again, why not?) and the series ends.

The Good:
Micheal J. Fox manages to do a decent job at being Marty again. He even uses Clint Eastwood as his "cowboy" name and says some lines Clint has said before. There are some amusing scenes, such as the one above. The hover board makes an appearance again, so that's cool.

The Bad:
Unfortunately, this movie falls to pieces once Marty heads back in time. Doc is goofier than he's usually portrayed and Chris Lloyd overacts pretty much in every scene. We also see everyone's past relatives and it's creepy Marty is totally into his mom (past version). There's a bunch of scenes that remind us, yet again about the first movie and how great it was. Thankfully, Marty doesn't invent skateboarding again, because that'd be too stupid. The Tannen family at this point are just laughable villains and you can no longer take them seriously anymore. Now for Clara. I get that Doc has to have his "one" but for a school teacher, Clara's pretty dumb common sense wise. Not abandoning her wagon when her horses were spooked, messing up a perfectly good plan by tooting the train horn, the list goes on. As for other problems, when did Doc Brown learn how to drive a train? I'm pretty sure it's not like driving a car and would take some learning, but he seems to be pretty good at it. I could go on with the list of problems with this movie, but that'd end up being another post.

Yeah, Part 2 was cheesy, but it was fun. Part 3, though? It tried to pull out all the stops, but failed miserably. There's too much silliness at times, a majority of the actors are trying too hard so it comes off as bad. The flying train time machine took the cake though. Is this movie fun? Up until the part when you head back to the Wild West, sure. After that it's, pardon the pun, a train wreck.

1.5 Clayton Ravines out of 5.

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