Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Star Wars V The Empire Strikes Back

All right Star Wars fans! Two more months until the release of Star Wars VII! Last month, I reviewed George Lucas' opening act to an amazing sci fi trilogy and this month I continue it! Today, I'm reviewing Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back. Now, this movie was written by George Lucas only. Irvin Kershner directed in what is probably the best Star Wars film to date. Let's fly to Dagobah and start the review!

The Plot:
After the destruction of the Death Star, the Empire made a huge attack on the rebels, forcing them to hide. The rebels put their newest base on the ice planet Hoth. However, Darth Vader sends thousands of probes in the attempt of locating the rebel base. While on Hoth, Luke is getting to know the wildlife better and almost ends up being dinner. He escapes, but with his wounds and the freezing temperatures, it looks like he won't make it. Thankfully, Han Solo rescues Luke, but Luke is out of it and sees a vision telling him to train with Yoda. Han and Luke make it safely back to the base, but an Imperial probe finds the base and sends a signal to the Empire. As the rebels make their escape from the Empire, Luke travels to Yoda's planet to broaden his Force training. Meanwhile; Han, Leia, Chewbacca and 3PO have some adventures themselves and wind up at Cloud City. Han's friend, Lando offers them a save haven while the Millennium Falcon is being repaired. Their peaceful vacation is cut short when Darth Vader and his troops show up, showing Lando is keeping secrets and is willing to ruin friendships. Darth Vader's plan is to set up a trap for Luke and take Luke to Emperor Palpatine himself. Han is frozen in carbonite to test the trap, and Boba Fett takes his prize to Jabba the Hutt. While training with Yoda, Luke receives a vision of his friends dying and makes preparations to go to Cloud City. Yoda warns Luke that his training is not finished and fighting Vader will make Luke to join the Dark Side. Luke does not heed his warning and goes to Cloud City. Once there, Luke battles Darth Vader, but loses. *spoliers* Darth Vader is Luke's father too. Before Darth Vader can get Luke to join him, Luke escapes and is picked up by Leia, Lando and Chewie in the Falcon. They escape and join up with some rebels and make a plan to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Whew, it's hard to summarize the plot without doing the whole film.
The Good:
Like I said, this is the best movie in the trilogy. It's got action, romance, funny moments, all paced together well. Everyone does their roles well and you can feel the tension when the rebels are facing off against the Empire during the battle of Hoth. You feel happy when Leia and Han confess their love for each other (though, its a bit creepy that there was the brother/sister kiss). And the best plot twist in movie history. Yeah, Vader is Luke's father. It was probably the best kept secret too. The crew didn't know the twist during filming until David Prowse (Vader) said the lines. Oh my god, the line Vader says sends chills down my spine when I hear it. V: "Obi Wan never tell you what happened to your father." L: "He told me enough, he told me you killed him." V: "No, I am your father." Awesome. I can't think of anything else good to say, this movie is so good.

The Bad:
Not a whole lot, actually. There are a few scenes that are pointless to the plot though. Or, they could have been thought out more. For example, when Darth Vader has bounty hunters and is offering a reward to capture Han Solo. We see all these alien bounty hunters for a few seconds, then all the focus is on Boba Fett. I would have liked to see maybe a few other bounty hunters attempt to get the Falcon, but I digress. There were a few "improved" scenes in the special edition, like a very badly dubbed scene of Luke talking about Yoda. He says something else, but another line was dubbed over it and his lips don't match. Other than that, great stuff.

I love this movie. As an adult it's become my favorite Star Wars film. Easily the best story told in all of the Star Wars films. The film itself is evenly paced and you never go "Man, I want to see Luke again fighting baddies".

5 tauntauns out of 5.

Bonus Round!
Aww yeah. Here we go. The scene: The Millennium Falcon flies into an asteroid field to escape some Imperial Ships. During their flight we see...was that a tennis shoe?
  Well, I expected a potato, but...wait...the Millennium Falcon is an asteroid too?!
 Watch the whole video if you like, but skip to around the 4:00 mark and you'll seen the Falcon fly by trying to destroy the Falcon. Wait, isn't that a time paradox or something?

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