Thursday, October 22, 2015

Back to the Future Part 2

Hello, fellow time travelers! As you know, the world celebrated Back to the Future Day. I went and traveled a day ahead just to make sure hover board technology came out a little late. Sorry, but still no hover boards. While spending a day in the future, I decided to celebrate the past by watching Back to the Future 2. Yeah, time traveling is confusing. Anyways, put on your self tying shoes and get pumped for Jaws 19!

I heard the USA Today was still accurate though.
  The Plot:
After Marty McFly went back to the future and got a glimpse of his new 80s life, Doc Brown shows up to whisk him away to the far away year of 2015. Marty and Doc are trying to stop Marty's kid from going to jail which sets up a chain reaction thus ruining Marty's future life. During the trip, Marty decides to buy a sports almanac to earn a little side cash, but Doc does not encourage it and tosses it in the trash. Old Biff witnesses this and takes the almanac for himself, traveling back in time. Marty and Doc head back to 1985 but it's not the reality they're used to. Biff, rich from his "winnings" owns Hill Valley and has turned into the town into a wasteland. He's also married Loraine and adopted her kids. Marty finds out what happened to the sports almanac and how Biff got it. Marty and Doc go back to 1955, where Old Biff gave young Biff the almanac. Marty and Doc pursue young Biff trying to get the almanac, so they can destroy it and set 1985 back to normal. During their mission, they manage to destroy the almanac but Doc's time machine is struck by lightning and is sent back to 1885. Marty must attempt to go and save the Doc, but will he succeed? Find out in Back to the Future 3!

The Good:
Micheal J. Fox does Marty McFly well, as does Chris Lloyd for Doc Brown. The ideas of what 2015 might be were pretty cool as well, and some of those visions became true. The hover board steals the show though, as like the lightsaber, you want one and want one badly. There are some funny moments, but some off the jokes come off as flat.

The Bad:
The plot. God, this plot sucks. I realize that there was no sequel intended originally, but they could have added some more originality to this plot. 99% percent of the story is "Hey! Remember the skateboard scene? Here's the same thing except in the future!" "Hey, remember when Biff got punched? Here's Marty punching Biff because we can!" Biff, Griff and Old Biff (Thomas F. Wilson) over act through entire film. Oh, and how does Biff manage to travel back in time? He doesn't know how to work the DeLorean. come Doc nor Marty notice the dashboard telling them that the car went back to 1955?! These are major plot holes and they're never explained.  Anyways, Biff doesn't come off as menacing as (past, present, or future version) he normally does and ends up comical at best and doesn't pose any threat like he did in the first film. As for the goons, they fall for the "Hey! What's that?!" too many times in a row to the point where it's just sad. Marty needs some more weapons in his goon fighting arsenal.  Did I mention the plot sucks? Oh, and some of the line delivery from certain characters seem flat, or forced.  Also, how come Loraine marries Biff? It's pretty apparent in both movies, she doesn't like him at all. Just because he has money, doesn't mean he's a better person. She could have just said no, not like Biff can do anything about it. Loraine is dumb.

Back to the Future Part 2 isn't as good as the first movie. Yeah, the hover board is cool and all, but sadly there's not any decent moments to save the movie from being great. It's still a decent flick to watch, but you're constantly reminded how good the first movie was and this movie needed to be it's own story. Not a retelling of the first. If you haven't seen this movie, at least see it once and come to your own conclusions.

3 hover boards out of 5.

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