Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Many Loves of Hercules

The Many Loves of Hercules

 Hello again movie enthusiasts! I'm back and here to stay (hopefully). I apologize for not being frequent in my posts and I hope I'll be putting up reviews more often here. I've seen lots of movies in my long hiatus and I'll put up my thoughts so you can get back to enjoying my pains or amazement.

Today, I'm going to dig into the bottom of the barrel of bad movies. The Many Loves of Hercules or as I like to call it, Hercules Likes Lifting and Loves like 2 Women. On to the review!
The Story:
An opposing kingdom kills Hercules' wife in the hopes of him starting a war with their leader, making the killer a King. However, Hercules falls in love with their Queen and goes on a quest to prove his love. During the quest, Hercules is injured by a hydra and is tricked into falling in love with the Queen of the Amazons.
Thankfully, Hercules breaks free of the curse and goes onto kill the man who killed his first wife and marry the Queen.

The Good:
Not a whole lot, really. The actor who played Hercules is pretty funny to watch at times, and I find it hilarious that his first instinct is to pick up the heaviest object on the set and use it as a weapon.

The Bad:
I guess it wouldn't be a bad movie if I didn't mention how terrible this "movie" is. The production is cheap, the dubbing is laughably bad, and the set pieces do the bare minimum. Even the hyrda Hercules fights can only move one of it's heads so the actors "attacking" it have to stand in one spot. Even the title is a lie. You'd assume, rightfully, that Hercules would have many loves, but technically falls in love with one person. He doesn't even mourn his first wife. It's bam! I love this Queen who ordered her soldiers to kill my wife. The heck?

Like I said, there are some laughably bad moments in this movie, but I can't recommend it. If want to watch something bad, and be amused, there are tons of options.

1 Paper Mache Hydra out of 5.

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