Monday, June 27, 2016

Samurai Cop

Yeah, I've been slacking lately and the amount of movies I've seen over the last few months have been embarrassing. However, I'm back and I've seen a movie! Huzzah! This one's not all that well known and I probably would have never heard of it until I saw a review of it on Youtube. The movie? Samurai Cop. It was a super low budget film that's been slowly creeping it's way to a cult classic. What did I think of it? Well, put your wig on and found out below!

This movie poster is a lie.
The Plot:
Not going to lie, this one was a tough plot to figure out. Let me see if I can describe it: A Japanese gang called "The Katana" is selling drugs and offing their rival gangs. Two cops, Joe Marshall and Frank are assigned to the case and to stop it once and for all. Joe Marshall aka "Samurai Cop" has been trained in the way of the samurai and speaks amazing, if not fluent Japanese (another lie). He falls for a restaurant owner, Jennifer who happens to be friends with the leader of The Katana gang.  Joe quickly becomes enemy number one as the gang tries to kill him several times. Eventually he gets fed up and with the permission of his police captain, Joe and Frank take down the gang once and for all. The climax is an epic duel and The Katana gang is no more. Joe and Jen live happily ever after. That's what I got at least.

The Good:
Uh, pretty much all of this movie. It's so bad it's good has never been truer. The acting is horrible, the fights are hilarious to watch and the camera work is horrendous. But it's just amazing to watch. You can't take your eyes off this train wreck and you're amused at the same time. I don't even know where to begin, this movie is so hilariously bad.

The Bad:
The entire movie, but my only major complaint is there are a few gratuitous sex scenes and the get real uncomfortable real fast. As in the director got distracted and kept shooting until the "plot" needed to get going again. There's also a few scenes where the director clearly forgot to yell "cut', so the actors kind of hold their poses for a few awkward moments until there's a random cut.

You must see this movie. It's just so bad, but it's great to watch. I know I'm repeating myself, but seriously, watch this movie.

5 Fujiy...fujya...Yahamas out of 5. (FYI: Joe Marshall says this in the movie. For a guy who speaks fluent Japanese, he can't say Fujiyama very well.)

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