Thursday, July 16, 2015

Jurassic World. We've got bigger dinos!

 So, last time I reviewed a movie, I mentioned I'd be reviewing the newest Jurassic film, Jurassic World! I watched it a second time so I'd be giving my viewers an (mostly) unbiased review of this film. Directed by Colin Trevorrow and produced by Steven Spielberg, this movie stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Howard, and Ty Simpkins.

This is the sequel Jurassic Park deserved, personally. Now, was it as good as the first movie? Eh, not really, but it certainly made an impact. Also, it should be mentioned that this movie has nothing to do with Jurassic Park 2 and 3. So, hop on the monorail, get some photos of the mosasaurus, and welcome to Jurassic World! Oh, Spoilers ahead! If you haven't seen this movie, go it see it first. Or get spoiled, but don't get mad at me. I warned you.

Please, do not feed the raptors.
The Plot:
So, Jurassic Park apparently was a success and actually opened and then got a name upgrade. Visitors from all over the world come to see the park's attractions and eat brontosaurus meat. (Kidding) Two kids, Zach and Gray Mitchell go off to see their Aunt Claire, the park's operation manager. However, Claire is too busy with pointless things and has her assistant look after the boys. Meanwhile, Owen (played by Chris Pratt) is training velociraptors, because this is a Jurassic Park movie. And raptors are essential. Claire meets Owen and asks him to check out a new dinosaur the park has made to bring in more visitors. Dubbed the Indominus Rex, it's a hybrid dinosaur, and it's super mean. Owen and Claire find that the Rex is missing but it turns out it was smarter than the people who made it. Naturally, it escapes and goes on a hunting spree, causing the park to semi shut down. Zach and Gray escape from Claire's assistant and do their own thing but they come across the Indominus Rex. Claire and Owen go look for the boys and things go from bad to worse as dinosaurs begin attacking the visitors. Everyone comes together as they hunt the Indominus Rex. Many teeth are involved in one of the best action fight scenes ever created by man, oh my god, it's so awesome. Everyone leaves and we're asked the big questions, like what happened to Dr. Henry Wu?

Maybe Dr. Wu was eaten?

The Good:
Some of the plot's pretty decent. Bad dino escapes and people hunt it. Plain and simple. Some of the special effects are pretty stunning as well. There are some scenes where you say "CGI." but it's not bad CGI. Most of the dialogue between Claire and Owen are pretty funny. Chris Pratt does an exceptional job as Owen and maybe he might be in another movie? MORE SPOILERS!!! T-Rex vs Indominus Rex. Oh my god. This is probably one of the best fight scenes in cinema history. It makes everyone's inner 5 year old scream in delight. They may have disgraced the T-rex in Jurassic Park 3, but this movie redeems the T-rex. Quite well, to be honest. There are some pretty tense scenes that run well too.

The Bad:
Forgettable characters. Zach and Gray? They're dull. There's literally no point for them to be there, except to make Claire grow as a character. That's it. Weaponizing velociraptors? I can give you a list as to why that's a stupid, horrible idea. This subplot was just stupid. InGen's "leader" even says they domesticated dogs, they can do so with raptors. Need I remind you that took generations? Not a few months and hey, nice raptor. Thankfully, he gets killed. The over the top racist owner. Now, I don't know what the Indian actor's voice actually sounds like, but his character came off as over the top. And when he dies, it's meaningless. He blows up and you're thinking, "I didn't care that he died at all." There's also a subplot with the boys where you find out the parents sent them to the park so they could get a divorce. One, worst parents ever. Two, we get one and half scenes and it's never mentioned again. So the point of that was? Character development? Because nothing happened for them. And the biggest sin of all, people getting sick of seeing REAL dinosaurs so the park has to make new ones to keep customers coming. Seriously? Zoos in that universe must last two weeks before people get sick of zebras. I'd kill just to see any kind of dinosaur for the rest of my life. Now, the Indominus Rex. She's cool, but there are problems. One, she's made albino for some reason and makes it harder to see her. Why not make her hot pink? She has no natural predators so why make her harder to see? Two, why did you have to make her a killing machine? Why couldn't you make her a herbivore? I can run the park better than most of these morons combined. Chris Pratt's character is the only one who knows what's going on and every one's like, "We made them, so shut up." He reminds me of Ellen Ripley in Alien. They're the smartest ones of the group of people that they're with. Also, anybody, and I mean anybody can waltz into the control room. Security is a joke in this film.  Even the ACU (Asset Containment Unit) is set up to be this awesome squad of dino trackers, but they don't even last 30 seconds. And they use non lethal weapons even after it's apparent the Indominus Rex isn't going down from cattle prods.

Despite all of the sins above, Jurassic World is a good movie. Like I said, it's the sequel Jurassic Park deserved. It has it's flaws, but it makes up for that with the effects and entertaining banter. If another movie is made, do the following: Resolve your subplots. Don't do weaponize X. It comes off as lazy writing and as been done too many times before. (We know it's a bad idea already, stop it.) Make your characters memorable. Lex and Tim? They were good. Also, I totally had to wikipedia the kids for this movie because, as I said they're forgettable. I didn't care whether they made it or not. Jurassic World is like the summer block busters of the early 90s. Fun, memorable and worth watching over and over again.

3.5 million years in the making out of 5.

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