Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Jet Li's Unleashed

Hey everybody! Hope you all had a great Memorial Day! Sorry, I think I slacked off a bit, but have no fear, I am reviewing a movie! Today I'm reviewing Unleashed. This movie came out in 2005 and it stars: Jet Li, Bob Hoskins, and Morgan Freeman. Let's get to the movie!

Plot Synopsis: Danny is a human guard dog in this 2005 action movie. His "owner" Bart (Bob Hoskins) is a cruel loan shark who intimidates his payees by sicking Danny on them. Danny wears a collar that keeps him under control, but once the collar is off, there is no holding him back. After collecting money, Danny is kept in a cage unloved and alone. One day, Danny and Bart attempt to collect a loan, but the man, a jewelry store owne,r being threatened deduces that if Danny remains collared he will not be attacked. This turns out to be true, so Bart and his cronies are attacked while Danny does nothing until Bart frees himself and uncollars Danny. Angry that Danny did nothing to help him, Bart continues with his loan hunting at an antique store. Bart assigns Danny to a task: Watch the red light, go in and attack. However, Danny gets distracted by some pianos. Enter Sam. A blind piano tuner, asks Danny to help him. Danny does so and misses the light going off to help Bart out. Bart is extremely angry, but forgives Danny. After some more stuff, Danny survives a car wreck caused by the man earlier at the jewelry store. Danny runs into Sam at the antique store and Sam takes him in. After meeting Sam's step daughter, Victoria, the two musicians attempt to make Danny into a normal human being. Once things are starting to look upwards for Danny, he's kidnapped again by one of Bart's gophers. Bart tries to get Danny back into his old habits, but Danny has changed into a better person thanks to Sam and Victoria. There's also a sub plot about finding out who Danny's mom was too. Everything's solved and Danny lives a normal life.

The Good: Pretty much the majority of it. It asks the question, "Can someone turn someone else into an animal?" And goes with it. The acting's pretty decent, as are the action sequences. It's a fun flick to watch and most of the fights keep you on edge. Jet Li plays a completely different role than he usually does and he does well at it. Morgan Freeman....well, personally you can't go wrong with Morgan Freeman. Oh, and there's a pretty funny line too. "Corn is safe!" You have to watch the movie for that line.

The Bad: There's this kinda creepy-ish subplot where you think Victoria is falling for Danny, but thankfully it never happens, seeing she's 18 and he's in his 30s? I have no idea. Then there's the music obsessed musicians. Almost every conversation between Danny and Sam or Victoria has something to with music. Yes, Victoria and Sam are musicians, but not everything needs to be related to music. The mother of Danny subplot seems a bit forced at times, and while it's a neat idea, it could have been thought out better.
Don't worry, I'm not done yet. Above is a fight scene between Danny and the Man in white. Now, the man in white just shows up about 20 minutes before the movie is over. What's the deal with unnamed martial arts experts showing up randomly? Is that a thing that I don't know about? I mean the fight's cool, but there's no sense of tension if we don't know who this guy is. We know Danny's going to win, so why bother?

Overall: Unleashed is a good movie. It truly is. Jet Li is a great performer and he does well by playing Danny. Bob Hoskins and Morgan Freeman also do stellar performances. This is a fun movie and you should totally watch it.

This movie gets 4 hook kicks to the face out of 5.

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