Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jackie Chan's Police Story Review

Today, I'll be reviewing Jackie Chan's Police Story. I love watching Jackie Chan movies, because they're usually fun to watch and full of amazing stunts and fight scenes. For those who haven't seen this movie, I'll give you a brief synopsis. Jackie Chan plays as Chan Ka Kui, a Hong Kong police officer. He and an uncover team attempt to capture a drug lord in a bust, but fail. During the bust, they manage to capture the drug lord's assistant, Selina Fong (played by Brigitte Lin) in hopes of accusing him of foul play. Selina has other plans however, and embarrasses Chan in front of his superiors and the court accusing the drug lord. When a dirty cop is hired to kill Chan and fails, Chan is blamed for the murder and must protect his dignity and clearing his name.

So, that's the skinny. Let's talk about the movie now. This movie was so good and so popular, several American movies stole scenes from Police Story. One movie, Bad Boys II, pretty much stole the beginning of Police Story. Another movie, that starred Sylvester Stallone (sorry, I couldn't find the name of the movie) also stole a scene. But enough about who stole what and all that. Let's get on with the movie. Overall, Police Story is one of the best Jackie Chan movies in my opinion. There are a ton of crazy stunts in that movie and the fight scenes are fun to watch. The story is riveting and keeps you on the edge of your seat, and rooting for Officer Chan the whole time. And the end scene of the movie...well, probably one of my all time favorite kung fu movie scenes. Even the craziest of stunts is in the scene and, I'll show you.  It's a long scene, and contains spoilers, (Don't watch this if you dont' want to see spoilers!) but it's awesome and fun all at once!

Pros and Cons:
Sadly, every movie, yes even kung fu movies have good and bad parts to them. No movie is perfect and this movie has it's flaws as well. Let's go over the good first. Overall, the story is well written and keeps the pace going, so there's no boring in between scenes. Even the scenes without action are entertaining and have several laughs. The stunts are well, freaking awesome! Jackie Chan knows how to please the audience and this movie is no exception. The fight scenes, pretty much the same as the stunts, vicious at times, but makes you wish you be along side Officer Chan trading blows with the baddies. Some of the characters are believable, while others are meh. You feel bad for Chan when he's betrayed and cheer him on when he's taking on the bad guys. The drug lord however, is a bit too over dramatic and you don't see how he could get away with some of the stuff that he does. Even Chan's girl friend is over the top at times, and you wonder why Chan even bothers dating her, or heck, trying to save his relationship with her. (At times, I'd would have said "Screw it, I'll get a more mature girlfriend.) The funny parts are mostly funny and the serious parts can be serious most of the time.

Now, let's go over the bad stuff. As mentioned before, Chan's girlfriend is flat out annoying. She's immature and stupid. She doesn't even support her boyfriend or listen to what he has to say. I don't like her. Now for Chan. Overall, he's a pretty cool dude. He kicks ass when needed and don't piss him off. That being said, he's an immature jerk as well. He treats his girlfriend like a little girl (and at times she is.) and doesn't bother sucking up and apologizing to her. He lies and acts like he's the bigger, more important guy, which makes him come off like an ass at times. The drug lord. Whew, he's over the top. His lawyer is even over the top. But, this drug lord comes off as a cheesy Bond villain at best. He could have been written better, or the actor could have toned him down at bit. I don't understand his motivation at times and I definitely thought his outcome was well deserved.

Closing thoughts:
Police Story is one of the best, if not best Jackie Chan movie. I consider this movie to be Chan's masterpiece, I could watch it a thousand times and never get sick of it. As I mentioned before, the stunts and fight scenes are simply stunning to watch. And you can't help but sing along to the ending credits with Jackie. Police Story is a kung fu masterpiece and everyone should at least watch it once.

Comments? Criticism? Feel free to post 'em. Just stay civilized and keep the cursing to a minimum. I don't want to turn off the comments just because someone couldn't be nice. Just remember, treat those the way you want to be treated and everyone will be happy. Thanks for reading!  

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