Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Suicide Squad

Ever since Marvel Studios started making all the money with their movies, DC Comics thought they could as well. Sadly, they started off on the wrong foot. Or, fell on their face. Either way, DC has not had a good start. Their answer to this was to make a Guardians of the Galaxy knock off in hopes they could win the critics and fans they lost. Suicide Squad was their answer. Despite it getting negative reviews, it's made box office records thanks to the fans. However, is Suicide Squad a good movie? Grab your mallet, boomerang and pistols to find out! Spoilers below, read at your own risk:

The Plot:
After the "loss" or "death" of Superman, Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) decides to create Task Force X in hopes of saving the world from an evil version of Superman. What is Task Force X? A group of the worst of the worst who are expendable and can be thrown under the bus if they ever get caught. The group consists of Dead shot (Will Smith), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney), Killer Croc and El Diablo. When a 4,000 witch by the name of Enchantress begins her plans for world domination, the group heads off to Midway City to stop her. However, the group is led to believe that the city is under attack of terrorists and huge circles of doom in the sky is normal. The leader and lapdog of Waller is Rick Flag (Joel Kinnaman). Flag's girlfriend also happens to be Enchantress so he's trying to save her. After Waller gets captured by Enchantress' brother, Incubus, the group must save her. After some drinks at a bar, the baddies get ready and take on Enchantress. The succeed and each prisoner gets time off their sentences and some added perks. Harley, on the other hand, gets saved by her beau, the Joker.

Normally, I'd post pictures but, with this new layout it's not as easy so use your imagination?

The Good:
Overall, this is a fun movie. There were a few chuckles and a couple of decent fight scenes. Will Smith and Margot Robbie nail their roles as Dead shot and Harley. The soundtrack is fun to listen to, but some of the song choices don't match with the tone of the movie. There's a few decent cameos from the Flash and Batman, which leave you wanting more.  Also, Viola Davis as Amanda Waller was terrifying. I'd like to see her again in another movie.

The Bad:
The plot's all over the place in this movie. Nothing really runs together smoothly and you can tell that there were reshoots. Reshoots aren't necessarily bad, but when you can tell well...The villains in this movie were boring and you didn't get a feeling of urgency. Instead, you were left wondering how much longer the movie was and wishing it'd conclude. A couple of the Suicide Squad members could have been left out and nothing would have changed. Killer Croc and Captain Boomerang were pretty much useless, and I could only understand 2 words Croc said. Now to the Joker. I didn't like him. He wasn't crazy, or mesmerizing. He was just another mob boss who was just slightly eccentric. Personally, again, the movie wouldn't have been any different if there were no Joker. Jared Leto has no special moment that makes you go, "Oh, that's a good Joker." He could have been cut out entirely. The special effects were also embarrassing. They were too video gamey and near the end the actors looked like they were on a green screen pretending. Which is always a bad thing. Also, the canon fodder (aka the nameless thugs getting killed) looked like the Putty men from Might Morphin' Power Rangers. Seriously, what's the deal with these bad guys looking like that? Apocalypse from X-Men looked like Ivan Ooze, now we get Putty men in a DC film. Sheesh. Oh and why can't a comic book movie just kill someone off and leave it at that? Spoilers, I suppose. So, near the end, Enchantress is defeated and Rick Flag is debating whether she should live or not. Enchantress says, "You don't have the balls!" And Rick kills her. But...his girlfriend is still alive because reasons. Seriously, don't say "You don't have the balls," and not follow through. It's not like that actress is going to be in another DC movie.

Despite the all the bad, Suicide Squad shows promise of what DC's got to offer. It's not a great movie, but it's certainly not as bad as some critics said it was. It has humor and humor works. Sure, the plot could have been written better and some of the characters weren't needed. It's an average movie. And it's certainly better than Batman Vs Superman. So, go ahead and see this movie. Let DC know they're headed in the right direction.
Rating: 3.5 Purple Lamborghinis out of 5.